Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I know that August is a little early to be getting excited about Christmas. But it seems that most of the family will be coming to ours to share in the twinkly joy with little Tomas, so I feel like I want to make a bit of a fuss. Obviously cooking for 8 and a half in a small kitchen in a small house will be fun, so my cunning plan is to prepare as much as possible in advance. Hence getting started in August. Hence the mincemeat.

I've a friend who is mad about Nigella Lawson's cooking. And I borrowed her book - Feast - a while back. And I've been planning some rhubarb vanilla mincemeat from it ever since. And finally made it at the weekend. The photos tell the story. I can't describe the taste in words. But surely as it made 3 jars I could be forgiven for opening one before Christmas, in perhaps late summer, just to see how it was maturing...?

First you have to chop loads of rhubarb and apple and mix in tons of dark brown sugar

One it has all cooked down a little you can add the barrel load of dried fruits, raisins, sultanas and currants. And spices - vanilla pods, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, coriander seeds and grate a little nutmeg over. Feeling Christmassy yet..?

Pretty soon the house fills with spicy scents. I challenge anyone to resist a sly spoonful while it bubbles for half an hour... Stir through the brandy, then the mincemeat can be bottled, with a little extra brandy on top. It is darker than this photo shows. Dark and spicy and waiting to be made into mince pies...

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