Thursday, May 20, 2010

Outdoor Living

So, everyone knows that food tastes better outdoors - from fish and chips on the end of the pier, to a humbug on a long walk, to posh picnics with Pimms - so why do we so routinely sit in dull dining rooms?

We had a lovely lunch today with friends in the garden - with three baby led weaning (BLW) babies aged just 7 months, eating outside is not only lovely, but also practical. BLW is messy. L was having a bad day teething so stuck sensibly to cool slices of cucmber. F discovered quiche was quite scoffable. And Tomas nommed his current favorite - sweet potato wedges and whatever he could steal from nearby plates. Tomas just loves being outdoors - there is always something new to look at.

Dinner was just me and James - sitting on the steps, candles & cider and discussing plans for the weekend. We hope to go to a local plant sale, sort out all our window boxes, go to SolDay in the lovely Mayfield Valley and join some others on a food foraging guided tour of some select parks in Sheffield.

Here's to lots more meals outdoors...

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